Over the past few years we've raised social awareness through circus-based performances, book publishing, and book donations. We've donated tens of thousands of our books to schools and libraries, homeschoolers and parent centers throughout the US and Canada. Drawing from our circus shows and our published children's fantasy, FRUIT OF THE VINE, which promotes bystander intervention, our troupe has been called FACEPAINT (which stands for Fantasy and Circus Entertainers Partnering Against Intolerance). We have recently put together a Nonprofit Organization that is also called FACEPAINT, with the major endeavors of:
1. Raising social awareness
2. Providing educational books for children, and
3. Supporting cancer awareness
Our Vision: FACEPAINT is geared toward continued support of cultural and social awareness through our children's books/audiobook, videos, films, and donations.
We would like to share with you our cancer memoir, "From Both Sides":
You can purchase our newly published (2022) print version HERE from Amazon
मुझसे कई बार यह सवाल ककया गया है कक क्या मुझे या डॉक्टरोों को पता था कक मुझे कैं सर कै से हुआ, मानो जैसे यह कोई ऐसी चीज हो कजससे मैं ज्यादा सावधानी रखकर बच सकती थी। मैं जानती हूँ यह सवाल क्योों औरकहाूँसेआताथा:लोगदूसरोोंकोऐसीतक़दीरकाकिकारहोतेहुएदेखकरडरजातेहैं,कजसके वोखुद कभी किकार हो सकते हैं।
Please visit our new website for our 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization Facepaint, Inc at: